Physical Education
The department of physical education concentrates both indoor and outdoor games. The department is headed by a Director of Physical Education who is assisted by an assistant Physical Director and two markers as supporting staff. Activities are carried out throughout the year.
In our College, we have good teams in all disciplines. We provide uniforms and track suits and various other accessories for all the players who represent our college. Our annual record will reflect the teams’ strength and their position in our university. We also encourage girls to a great extent to participate in various sports programs. We also encourage and recognize the students who attain individual honors by representing our college in the district, state, and country level sports activities. They will be awarded the ‘Best Sports Person Award’ during our Annual Sports Day.
The students of our college have set up an impressive and consistent record of performance in almost all games and sports. They take part in the Inter-Collegiate, University, Tamil Nadu Inter-Engineering Sports and various other local tournaments and keep winning many laurels. Students are given exemptions in attendance when they represent the college in the tournaments and sports.

Every year we conduct at least one game for Anna University, Chennai as a representing center. Also, we regularly participate in Anna University Zonal Tournaments in the following items.








Ball Badminton

Table Tennis

